Articles & Videos.

Educational. Explorational. And an opportunity to connect.

Are you getting the most out of your self care practices?

You may have noticed that people are talking about the importance of self care practices more and more often. And for good reason! The need to be taking care of ourselves is at an all-time high....

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Are you in flow? Or are you stuck?

I have found the river analogy to be SO helpful for both myself and my clients in understanding and identifying when we’re caught up in the chaos of our trauma and survival patterns versus...

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Are You Stuck in Trauma Cycles and Survival Patterns!?

Trauma is us being stuck still trying to survive, and there are SOOO many ways this can show up for us. I can't help but get excited about this. I find it so fascinating how we've adapted to...

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Why you NEED to bring awareness to your nervous system!

So everyone’s talking about the nervous system.
Which is great! But do you even have a sense of what the heck it is and why it’s so important to support yourself at that level?


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There's something more to what you're feeling.

"I'm feeling really anxious about going to tonight's dinner party."

The chances are that you've found yourself saying some variation of this statement.
In this case, how do you KNOW that what...

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Does your heart need protecting? Or are you willing to connect?

Have you ever felt like you've needed to keep your heart protected or maybe you're even feeling that right now?

I know I have (and still do)!
This is a piece I've been exploring for a LONG time.


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See your survival patterns as allies!

Here's something to consider.

Your survival patterns are your allies. They serve a purpose and provide protection.

The question to ask yourself is, is their protection still needed or is the war...

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Let's shift away from trying to fix!

We’ve been taught to fix things.
To find answers and solutions.
To understand why.

But here’s the thing.

We are more than just our symptoms.

We are already whole. Our symptoms, these...

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