The Experiential Podcast

Join me each week as we uncover the stories found deep within our cells, discover how to untangle from the patterns, conditioning and templates we find ourselves caught in and most importantly, remember that we are whole, sovereign beings here with purpose and choice. 

Have A Listen!

The Experiential Guide

This guide has been designed for you to get the most out of my Podcast! It invites you to pause and notice your experiences and deepen your awareness around your patterning while providing you with tools on how to explore and discover what else is possible while you listen along!

Download The Guide!

Videos & Blog

Find my YouTube videos and blog posts here. If you do some digging you'll even find a whole library of old yoga and Feldenkrais® videos I created back in the day!

Check It Out!

Get Curious

The "Get Curious" workshops encourage you to explore personal patterns like procrastination, people-pleasing, and hyper-independence. Through interactive self-reflection, you’ll learn to pause, notice, and cultivate awareness, all while embracing the idea that there’s nothing to fix. Empower yourself to navigate your survival patterns and show up authentically in your life.

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Somatic Experiencing®,
Somatic Practice,
Feldenkrais Method™,
Internal Family Systems Informed Practitioner

Just like you, I’m a whole and sovereign being, who also has patterns based on survival, conditioning, and impacted by our societal pressures and expectations. And like you, I’m here with purpose, to continue to evolve and live as part of the collective consciousness.

I’m a guide who supports from a place of embodied knowing, while also walking the path alongside you. My style of working is very intuitive and awareness based. I’m able to tune in to what's happening within other peoples experiences as I support them in exploring their conditioning and patterns that are often rooted in trauma, which can be anything that involves the need to survive.

My practice is a blend of modalities and I enjoy weaving the spiritual in with the science. Most importantly, how I guide others is a reflection of the knowledge I've gained through my own personal inquiries and experiences. I'm committed to supporting people in creating change at cellular and energetic levels while guiding them to listen to their own internal wisdom.

My offerings provide educational and experiential tools and practices that will move you out of survival, lead to more regulation within your nervous system, and have you recognize that you are a whole sovereign Being.  

I believe that the journey is never ending for all of us and that the only way that we can make real long lasting change is by connecting into our own internal wisdom.

My dream is for people to recognize and create more space for being human in all of its complexities, from a place of wholeness and with grace.

Learn More About Me