Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by procrastination, caught in the cycle of people-pleasing, or struggling with hyper-independence?

You’re not alone. Many of us grapple with these patterns, often feeling stuck and unsure of how to break free. In these live workshops, I invite you to join me on a journey of exploration and discovery. Together, we’ll dive deep into understanding these patterns, unraveling their roots, and igniting a sense of curiosity about what’s possible!

Once a month, I host an episode on The Experiential Podcast, called "Get Curious," where I invite people to share and explore their patterns. I know not everyone wants to join me on the podcast, so I’m excited to offer live workshops, allowing more of you to dive deeper into understanding your patterns!

In these workshops, you’ll discover the power of pausing and noticing how you experience yourself by paying attention to your physiology and recognizing where you might feel stuck in survival mode.

As you deepen your awareness of these deeply rooted patterns, you'll learn tools to bring curiosity into what’s possible, supporting you in moving through layers of being stuck and allowing for rewiring to occur.

You’ll also uncover how to get out of your own way by recognizing the conflict with these ingrained patterns. Instead of focusing on fixing things or feeling like something is wrong with you, you’ll learn to approach your explorations from a place of wholeness. As you become your own empathic witness, you'll find that the journey can unfold with more ease and grace. Believe it or not, being human doesn’t have to be complicated!

We'll explore these 3 topics: 


People Pleasing


These events are over. 
Feel free to check out my "Get Curious" episodes on The Experiential Podcast for the opportunity to explore your patterns. And join my email list to stay informed about upcoming events!


It’s important to me to offer these as live calls rather than prerecorded webinars so we can truly engage with “what’s in the room.” I understand that coordinating across different time zones and schedules can be challenging, but I hope you can make this time work! Your participation will enhance the experience for everyone through community engagement. If you can’t attend live, don’t worry—recordings will be available for 30 days, ensuring you still benefit from the insights shared.

Remember the days of in-person workshops, where we engaged with others and left with insights and knowledge? I invite you to see these workshops as a similar opportunity—a chance to connect with a community of like-minded, curious individuals in live, interactive sessions.

By joining these live calls, you’ll benefit from:

  • Recognizing You’re Not Alone: Connect with others who share similar struggles and experiences.
  • Relatability: Engage in deeper, impactful conversations that foster understanding and growth.
  • Supportive Connections: Build relationships with people on a similar journey, creating a space for shared insights and encouragement.

In these workshops, you'll discover:

  • How to apply my principles to pause and notice when you’re in a survival pattern.
  • A deeper understanding of what’s entangled in these patterns and why they keep recurring.
  • With curiosity, how to work with these patterns to create space, choice, and meaningful change.
  • How to explore from a place of wholeness and grace, allowing you to live with greater integrity and flow rather than constantly trying to fix perceived “flaws.”

What you learn in these workshops can be implemented in all aspects of your life! Embrace this opportunity to create a new way of navigating whatever arises.

Sign Up!



Somatic Experiencing®, Feldenkrais®, Somatic Practice, Yoga, & Internal Family System Informed Practitioner

Just like you, I’m a whole and sovereign being, who also has patterns based on survival, conditioning, and impacted by our societal pressures and expectations. And like you, I’m here with purpose, to continue to evolve and live as part of the collective consciousness.

I’m a guide who supports from a place of embodied knowing, while also walking the path alongside you. My style of working is very intuitive and awareness based. I’m able to tune in to what's happening within other peoples experiences as I support them in exploring their conditioning and patterns that are often rooted in trauma, which can be anything that involves the need to survive.

My practice is a blend of modalities and I enjoy weaving the spiritual in with the science. Most importantly, how I guide others is a reflection of the knowledge I've gained through my own personal inquiries and experiences. I'm committed to supporting people in creating change at cellular and energetic levels while guiding them to listen to their own internal wisdom.

My offerings provide educational and experiential tools and practices that will move you out of survival, lead to more regulation within your nervous system, and have you recognize that you are a whole sovereign Being.  

I believe that the journey is never ending for all of us and that the only way that we can make real long lasting change is by connecting into our own internal wisdom.

My dream is for people to recognize and create more space for being human in all of its complexities, from a place of wholeness and with grace.

Learn More About Me

Let's Get Curious! 

These workshops are now complete. Please feel free to sign up for my newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events!